Requesting and Collecting Prescriptions

Repeat Prescription Requests

It is Practice policy when issuing repeat medications, to only issue a 28 day supply of medication. Issuing only 28 days of medication is regarded as safe prescribing and best practice across many areas of the country.

To support patients who find it difficult financially, the NHS has made provision for purchasing a pre-payment certification which may be of benefit to some patients who are on regular stable medication.  Further information about this scheme can be found below.

Collecting Prescriptions

The electronic prescribing system (EPS) is being used for every prescription sent from the practice.

This means that when you order you will be asked to nominate a pharmacy of your choice within the local area.

Prescription collection 

The practice is encouraging patients to collect presciption from the pharmacy. This can be done by using the electronic prescibing scheme (EPS) further information can be found on this page.

The prescription desk is currently only open between the times of 08:00am-09:00am and 17:00-18:00pm.

please also note that pharmacies can deliver your prescriptions to you but this must be organised with the pharmacy and the practice has no control over this.