
cervical screening

Cervical Screening

Please contact us now on 01254 964820 if you are due your Cervical Screening Test. Please see link below from Jostrust on information about the screening – having the Cervical Screening Test can and does save lives:

Blackburn with Darwen is now offering weekend appointments at Barbara Castle Way Health Centre between 09:00 and 14:00.

Darwen GP Practices are promoting Cervical Cancer Screening and have developed a leaflet describing the importance of the test – it  may save your life.  Please click on the link below:

FIT Test

The new Bowel Screening FIT Test is more simple than the previous test. You only need to take one sample to screen fro bowel cancer 

Bowel Cancer Screening

If you are between the ages of 56 to 74 you will have been sent a Bowel Cancer screening kit every two years, many people who took up the test are thankful, it saved their life. Darwen Healthlink do not want to see any of our patients miss out on this life saving opportunity. If you have not taken advantage its not to late as we can arrange for a kit to be sent out.

Please contact the surgery on 01254 964820 to arrange for a kit to be sent out. If you would like more information you can book a 10 minute appointment with our Healthcare Assistant.

bowel screening