Your Medical Record
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IT Statement of Intent
New Contractural Requirements for IT/Electronic patient records
It is a requirement of the General Medical Services 2015/16 Contract that all GP practices inform their patients of their current status in relation to a number of electronic services:
Electronic Transfer of Patient Record:
The practice can confirm that the GP2GP system is already active and used to safely and securely transfer medical records when required.
Electronic Appointment Booking:
The practice already provides patients with the ability to request an appointment via a link on the surgery website. If patients wish to take advantage of this service please visit the appointments section of the surgery website and register your details, or alternatively please speak to a member of staff at the practice.
Electronic booking of repeat prescriptions:
The practice already provides patients on long-term medication the option of ordering repeat prescriptions via a link on the surgery website. If patients wish to take advantage of this service please visit the prescriptions section of the surgery website and register your details, or alternatively please speak to a member of staff at the practice.
Patient Access to their GP Record:
This practice plans to offer the facility for patients to view online, export or print detailed coded information held in their own records from 31st March 2016.
Summary Care Record:
Summary Care Record is an Electronic summary of a patient’s key clinical information.
GP practices are required to provide an automated electronic upload of any changes to a patient’s summary information to the NHS Spine. The practice is already live with SCR.
The Summary Care Record should only be viewed in emergency or urgent care settings with the explicit consent of the patient unless the patient is unable to give their consent (for example if they are unconscious).
However if you do not want your records to be made available in this way, please contact reception for an opt out form so we can update your records.